
No international tax situation has more potential consequences than pre-immigration planning related to foreign business owners and high net worth individuals hoping to flee the social and economic instability of their home countries and relocate to the U.S..

AbitOs’ deep experience here stems from our years invested handling client needs and several foreign-born team members who know the tumult found in certain Latin American countries. Florida is a natural for many such emigres.

Florida’s lack of any state or local personal income tax doesn’t preclude the need for smart, pre-immigration tax planning. With proper planning, foreign nationals immigrating to the U.S. can minimize their tax exposure related to business, real estate or other stocks, bonds or investment portfolios held outside the U.S.

Contact Us

If you would like to explore your business, personal or family’s tax and financial planning needs, we’re ready to talk. Call us at 305-774-2945 or fill out the form below. Let’s discuss the creation of a plan for your unique needs.