
British statesman Benjamin Disraeli once said, “diligence is the mother of good fortune.” Seasoned entrepreneurs would agree. When entering into an investment, merger or acquisition agreement with a suitor, financials and reporting offered to support the deal may not reflect the company’s actual performance.

Due diligence, when performed by a seasoned, third-party accounting or advisory firm, creates a more informed advisor. By examining financial records and documents that support the deal, AbitOs can help ensure the sales traffic and volume, earnings performance, and financial information match what is being represented. This helps align business valuation and forward-looking statements.

AbitOs is regularly engaged by fellow accounting and law firms, as well as parties involved in a transaction to perform deal due diligence to help ensure client success.

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If you would like to explore your business, personal or family’s tax and financial planning needs, we’re ready to talk. Call us at 305-774-2945 or fill out the form below. Let’s discuss the creation of a plan for your unique needs.